Salisbury Garden Volunteers

Our Finances
A big thank you to Wessex Water for a grant to promote wildlife in the garden.

Memorial plants and trees - please note that unfortunately we are unable to accept any more such donations. We have removed the 'In Memoriam' page for the same reason.
Where are we going?

We are often asked, what is our overall plan for the SECRET GARDEN? In truth we do not really have one! This is because we are dependent on various factors outside our control: what is under the soil, problems we encounter when working (eg over-planting), what plants we are given and what money we can raise in donations and sponsorship.
Having said that we do want to maintain the garden as a pleasant space for the community and a haven for wildlife. A dedicated wildlife garden has been formed outside the east wall. Inside the walls we have removed weeds and rubble (and tons of ivy), and dug in loads of composted manure.
If you are a member of the Green Team or a Friend, don't forget that we would really appreciate your input.
Aims & Objectives
To bring back to life selected gardens that the Council (Wiltshire or Salisbury City) can no longer afford to maintain.
To maintain and refresh the gardens for the benefit of the local community.
To provide a healthy activity where volunteers can make friends and contribute to the well-being and pride of the City.
To raise funds to cover the day-to-day costs of maintaining the gardens.
To make full use of the gardens as a resource for local people.
To improve the beauty of our city so as to encourage visitors, firms and potential residents.
Who are the GREEN TEAM?
Wiltshire Council have passed responsibility for this lovely walled garden (above) to Salisbury Garden Volunteers.
The Green Team comprises some 20 souls of all ages and abilities withg around a dozen available at any one time.
We are recruiting gardening volunteers - anything from 1 hour a week would be great.
We are also looking for support volunteers to help with admin, newsletter and fund-raising.
We would be grateful for surplus: plants, composted manure and garden tools.
Why not contact us......
Volunteers: Janice at jblencowe@msn.com
Finance: Penny at penny.ibbs@gmail.com