Salisbury Garden Volunteers

Donations and sponsors

We are delighted to report that Hills Group have donated10, 30-litre sacks of compost which will be used to put the heart back in the soil.☘ Thank you Hills.

Salisbury, Wyevale on Netherhampton Road have generously donated 3 sacks of potting compost. This will enable us to pot-up the plants we clear from the beds before weeding and rejuvenating the soil. ☘ Thank you Wyevale. Since then they have also provided grit and pebbles. Thank you also for kick-starting 2018 with some more split bags of grit and compost.
The Community
We would also like to thank members of the community who have donated tools, pots and wood to make compost bins.☘Thank you folks it is much appreciated. Now, an especial thank-you to ☘ Jessica who donated enough concrete slabs for us to build a path into the garden for the office staff.☘ Also now a special thank-you to Peter for donating a clutch of tools including a much needed fork and a leaf-rake. Peter has now included a shredder and we are in receipt of a Flymo and a strimmer.
☘ Paula has given us a bicycle shed which will be ideal to house the electrical tools. ☘Anthony and Amy have bequeathed us a greenhouse which we have now dismantled.
And a special thank-you to ☘Giles and Gail for a Honda rotary mower in very good condition. It has been regularly serviced and is absolutely what we need This has been followed up by some ferns and a positive avalanche of snowdrops.
Now a thank you to☘Pauline and Caroline. Pauline for some very nice plants, including Astilbes and Caroline for a spade, fork and hosepipe. ☘Sybil has given us a great load of pots and ☘Erica some wonderful rocks for the pond.
Thanks now to ☘David for 18, 2' x 2' slabs which we have already started laying as a path. Plants are now coming thick and fast so thank you very much to ☘Kristina, Jill, Brenda and anyone else I may have forgotten to thank. Special thanks to Hilary for giving us an unused pair of waders which will be extremely useful.
And many many more.

Henry Stanley of New Farm, Pitton is the uncrowned King of Compost. He supplies wonderful composted manure to the allotments, garden designers and even Chelsea Flower Show. Mr Stanley will supply us with bulk compost from now on and has kindly donated a load to get us started. This is a great boon as otherwise we would have to wait some weeks before being able to afford to purchase a load.☘ Thank you Mr and Mrs Stanley.

Mole Valley Farmers, successors to SCATS, in Churchfields have very kindly offered us 17 damaged bags of various composts which will be great for us to use in preparing the beds and keeping plants over winter.☘ Thank you especially to the staff that patched up the bags and helped me load the car. Another thank you for more bags in February 2018.

Wiltshire Council Area Board have given us a grant of £1,500 which will enable us to purchase a 4-wheel trolley and shrubs. Thanks particularly to ☘ John Bruce Ball who represented the Green Team at the Board meeting. With the money have bought a very smart 8' x 6' shed at a very reasonable price. A second grant of £500 has now been received which has enabled us to finish the Sunken Garden and purchase an industrial strimmer/brush cutter.

Waitrose Salisbury have elected us as one of their three Community Matters for January 2017. I have now been in formed that they will forward a cheque for £302. ☘ Thank-you Waitrose.

The Woodland Trust have approved our application and so thirty hedge plants will arrive in March for planting in our wildlife garden - fantastic.
Special Plants Nursery, Cold Ashton, Bath owned by the amazing plantswoman Derry Watkins has very kindly given us half a dozen plants suitable for taking cuttings. We have also been invited back in October when they have their annual sort-out and cull the plants that do not meet their high standards. Click the button left to visit their website.
Andy Nicolson, Pond Expert. Andy has been to us twice and most recently has got our pump and fountain working - for which he would not accept payment! If you need work doing on a pond please contact him on aandees@aol.com.

Jones & Company, Rollestone Street generously sponsored the bulk of the cost of renovating our 14' pond, especially allowing us to replace the rather worn liner.

Salisbury Printing. We are very grateful to our local printers for supporting the Pond Project. This allowed us to purchase 10-litre baskets and the plants.

Washing Well. We are very grateful to our local launderette for sponsoring the raised beds in Salt Lane car-park. Also to Alexander Associates, the structural engineering consultants in St.Edmunds Church Street.
If you would like to donate....
If you would like to donate money to this worthwhile community project you can send a cheque made out to Salisbury Garden Volunteers and send it to Penelope Ibbs, Barley Mow House, 71 Greencroft Street, Salisbury SP1 1JF 01722 338137 penny.ibbs@gmail.com.
As an alternative, we have a Treasurers Account sort-code 77-71-04 account 01703460 at TSB Bank plc.
One form of donation which is really very useful indeed is a regular monthly payment direct into our account (see Friend below).This type of funding enables us to plan, and a number of supporters giving £5 a month mounts up to a really worthwhile sum. This will be spent mainly on shrubs and plants.
If you would like to fund-raise
The Secret Garden Project and indeed the community gardens throughout Salisbury are extremely well supported by local residents and organisations. If you would like to help us turn this good-will into cash so that we can support the manual work with plants, tools, compost and equipment, then please contact Penelope as above.
How to become a Friend
If you are a FRIEND you become an honorary part of the GREEN TEAM. We don't expect you to take part physically but you will be included in all our events and will be updated with what is happening and what we have achieved each month. We also value your input to our future programme. And you receive a certificate, see PDF below.
What we are looking for is a regular monthly donation - the amount is entirely up to you. Treasurers Account sort-code 77-71-04 account 01703460 at TSB Bank plc. Don't forget to let us have your e-mail so we can keep in touch.

Although we are all gardeners we do need to keep a close eye on the finances. It costs quite a lot to maintain and develop a garden of this size and we rely very much on donations from the community and project-money from Wiltshire Council Area Board.
This we need to turn into this
In 2019 the cost of maintaining and developing the garden amounted to £3,466. To meet this expenditure we raised about £2,000 from our two garden parties, with further generous donations and grants bringing the total income for the year to £3,677.