Salisbury Garden Volunteers

Before and After
The overgrown and dirty pond had to be emptied and re-lined and 3/4 tonne of pebbles removed.

The double hedges wasted a lot of ground and the roots took all the nutrients so we converted to single hedges.
The lawn is kept mown and two round beds have been added to give symmetry to the planting.
The grass path, which was frequently waterlogged has been paved.

The overgrown pergola has had the kiwi plants removed and the vine pruned back.
The pillars now have mesh frames attached which carry climbing roses donated by those wishing to remember a loved one.

Poor planting and an unnecessary hedge turned into a chequer-board Herb Garden.
Janice discovering the buried path which has been turned into a Sunken Garden bordered by rockery planted with alpines.
The latest addition is a limestone pavement. The overgrown ivy and bindweed shows the original concept.

The west bed covered in ivy and weeds with the wall incredibly over-planted with clematis, roses and honeysuckle, smothered by climbing ivy. The good plants were re-sited the ground thoroughly cleared, dug and manured before re-planting with shrubs and box hedging - and the wire supports moved to the other side of the wall which gets the sun.
The car-park bed over the wall consisted largely of ivy, weeds and litter. The bed has been revitalised with composted manure, edged with wood and replanted largely with geraniums and alchemilla mollis. The wires carry four rambling roses donated in memory of loved ones.

Sheer Poetry
Right: a support post used for 'Pole Poems'.
The rough area outside the walled garden being turned into the Poesy Garden surrounded by verses.