Salisbury Garden Volunteers

The Poesy Garden
Poesy is an old word for poetry and it also has a link with flowers. We envisaged a peaceful garden comprising new turf with small trees and a pebbled 'rill'. Scattered around the garden would be signs with verses of poetry. If you would like us to add a verse of yours please send it by e-mail.

The Poesy Garden was funded by a grant from the Wiltshire council Area Board

Climate Change
The Met-Office describes the effect of Climate Change on the UK as an increase in: warm wet winters, hot dry summers and extreme weather events.
Thanks to Wiltshire Council we received a small grant that enabled us to mulch many of the beds with forest bark.
We have also made it a matter of policy to only buy British plants. This is not just a question of what is on the label but validating the origin.
COVID-19 has shown how vulnerable we are to a collapse of the food supply-chain. We aim to do our bit by growing fruit and vegetables for the community in raised beds. Two more have been built using the grant money.
The rough plan below shows an idea for modifying the wild-flower and ivy sections in order to plant longer grass types to encourage insects. A grant proposal has been submitted for this.

Our next project is centred around the use of water; how best to apply it without waste and for most benefit to the plants. Watch this space.